Tuesday, September 28, 2010
This Violence Got To Stop!
Hello Everyone,I took this photo this past summer in preparation for a story I intended to write about......memorials. Well,I just never got around to fully preparing that article,but after the horrific multiple homicide in Mattapan overnight,I feel compelled to use it in this space. As a Dorchester resident,I come upon far too many street memorials made up of candles,ballooons,stuffed animals,liquor bottles,and notes paying respect to our mostly "young' residents who have been tragically slain on our city's streets. Don't get it twisted though,I have no problem with the displays themselves as they represent a very powerful and important tribute to our sisters,brothers,mothers,fathers,and children. What disturbs me is that it seems that everytime I try to take a different route to work,to avoid one, in my travels I constantly happen upon these reminders of not necessarly these people's LIFE,but of thier DEATH. All of these people who's oppurtunity to pursue life,liberty,and happiness have been cut short by an assailant. I admit,selfishly,that it can be frustrating. So let me say once again that I'm all for the concept of having these memorials and I'm also glad that they are allowed to be in public space for a period of time. I guess what causes me most despair is that they are too often needed. They're needed because once again,a murder has taken place. R.J.