Participating in high school sports at the varsity level is quite an accomplishment. It obviously presents many physical challenges as well as being a highly time consuming endovour. Add to that the skill and talent that is required to perform successfully.
Well at the J.E. Burke there are several female student athletes who excel at two varsity sports. All star point guard Khadijah Ellison (below) and five of her basketball teammates also play softball for the Lady Bulldawgs. Their hoop team went 16-5,and went to the MIAA Eastern Ma. D3 Quarterfinals where they lost by two points to Ashland High in the final seconds. Four of the five starter of that team hit,run,catch,are throwing softballs around this Spring, and doing it quite well. This writer had the oppurtunity to see them play at Madison Pk. earlier this week where they put on quite a show,and seemed to have alot of fun doing it. Come out and support them when you can!